Ravaged by water wars, famine and drought, the West is once again wild, and peace is but a thing of the past. Children are rare. Water is scarce. Life hinges on a delicate balance.
The resulting America is brutalized by brazen acts of ruthlessness. Rallying around gas-guzzling gladiators, a new and brutal form of drag racing called “Dirt-Joust” has become the sport of the people. With not much to live for but the purse at the end of the race, these drivers compete to win, or die trying.
The only driver to have survived a loss is Key: but she lost her freedom, and her wife, in the process. In order to escape a manslaughter prison sentence, she makes a deal with Gael, the leader of a brutal gang of outlaws known as the Revelers.
Key’s mission is simple: A Native American reservation has the region’s last freshwater aquifer beneath it. She is the only one with a map of how to avoid the boobytraps that surround it. If she can get on, she can get free.
To Ensure Key’s success, Gael puts a tracker and a gang of crazed Revelers on her trail. “You’re my dog,” Gael tells Key, “and that car is your leash”.
On her journey Key stumbles upon an orphaned boy named Kellan. She takes the child under her protection and goes in search of Brand - the sole deed-holder of the reservation. Once Key understands her connection to his tribe, and what is truly at stake, she turns against the tide and braces for a battle against the odds.
Now, with an opportunity to right her wrongs, and a new-found sense of duty with the young Kellan on her side, Key works with Brand to foil Gael’s plan and fight for the future of the west.

This preview of the waterbearer visualizes our message: To protect what’s left.
“This is our last chance!
There is still a future... and it’s worth fighting for, but we have to wake up!
We have to make sacrifices.”

This is a film about empowering each and every one of us to help save the world.
A story made to wake people up to the idea that such a thing could be possible, and given current environmental concerns: it might even be necessary.
The message is simple: We can still protect what’s left- but we need to make sacrifices, and we have to act now, before it’s too late.
Many of the elements in this story seem to be coming true: our Native American lands and National Parks are at risk, Border Patrol has been militarized, the Pandemic has affected our livelihoods, and freshwater is frighteningly scarce.
It’s a movie about our time, written for our time, and made to help inspire our time.
The Water Bearer’s core message is a simple one: protect what’s left … of our environment, our resources & our humanity.
We all understand that we are at a pivotal moment in human history, but tangible steps on how we take action are few and far between. The issues are so overwhelming and far-reaching that it’s difficult to know where to start.
But that is the beauty of art and cinema- it allows us to talk about what would otherwise be difficult to address. The fact is I believe that this movie can make a difference- not as a dystopic sci-fi film, but one grounded in reality.
Apocalypse in greek means “to reveal”. It is time we uncover what the future could look like- so people can more clearly look at water, climate change, and the discussion of how we “protect what is left”.
This film can be a harbinger of both what is to come and how we can work together to stop it. As such, the opportunity to achieve positive environmental and social impact is enormous.
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